Photos: Homeland star Damien Lewis dons his tweed jacket for London Sheep Drive 2024

Hollywood star Damian Lewis became a would-be shepherd for the day over the weekend as he led the 2024 London Sheep Drive across Southwark Bridge.

The Homeland actor drove a flock of sheep across one of the capital’s famous waterway crossings on Sunday (September 29) to continue a unique London tradition that dates back to the 12th century.

The annual London Sheep Drive sees 50 north of England mule sheep guided over Southwark Bridge each year to honour sheep seller’s in the past bringing their livestock into the city to market.

In medieval times, while locals would have to pay a bridge toll to cross the river, Freemen of the City aka traders were exempt. In celebration sheep are still driven across the Thames by various Freemen of the City each year and have become known for their celebrity sheepherders.

This year’s famous sheep guide was award winning actor Damian Lewis known for his TV roles in Homeland, Band Of Brothers and Billions.

Incase you missed it here’s a few snaps from the day of Lewis in action: