List of unclaimed estates in London for May 2023 you could inherit if you have these surnames - how to claim
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The Treasury has updated its list of unclaimed estates for May, which includes a whole host of estates still up for grabs across the capital. If you have one of the surnames listed below, you could have an estate waiting to be claimed.
Each month the list of estates is updated with their currently almost 6,500 that are unclaimed up and down the country. In London alone, there are over 1,500 unclaimed estates throughout the city’s 32 boroughs. A full UK list is available on the Treasury website.
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Hide AdWhen someone passes away without having an effective will in place, and no family comes forward to claim their estate, the Crown becomes a possessor of it. These unclaimed estates are also known as ‘ownerless property.’
However, family members or others who believe they are entitled to it can come forward within a 12-year period after the Crown takes over as owner. This period is longer for unclaimed estates before 1997. Instead, those who think they are eligible can claim up to 30 years from the date of the person’s death.
We’ve compiled a full list of surnames for unclaimed estates in London.
Unclaimed estates in London - who is eligible?
To claim an estate, you must have some sort of family tie. The order below shows the order of those eligible:
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Hide Ad- Husband, wife or civil partner
- Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on
- Mother or father
- Brothers or sisters
- Half brothers or sisters or their children
- Grandparents
- Uncles and aunts or their children
- Half uncles and aunts or their children
Full List of unclaimed estates surnames in London as of May 2023
To find a particular surname on a laptop or computer, you can use the keyboard command Ctrl-F to search for the specific name.
- Abdoo
- Abdullah
- Abdul-Rahman
- Abouarh
- Abraham
- Abrahams
- Acosta
- Adams
- Addo
- Adebiyi
- Adejumo
- Aderinto
- Adesanya
- Adhekeh
- Adibnia
- Afshari
- Agostinho
- Ahern
- Ahmad
- Ahmed
- Akinrinoye
- Alcendor
- Alderton
- Alexander
- Alexandrou
- Ali
- Allah
- Allan
- Allard
- Allegra
- Allen
- Al-Saoudi
- Ames
- Amini
- Aminian
- Anderson
- Andre
- Andrews
- Andrzejewski
- Angel
- Angus
- Anjaria
- Anthony
- Antoniou
- Antwi-Buasiakoh
- Apostolou
- Appleby
- Arabian
- Arafat
- Archer
- Arinze
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Artman
- Artoghlo
- Asaul
- Asfaw
- Ashby
- Ashton-Jones
- Asoma
- Atayi
- Atkin
- Avery
- Awosika
- Axen
- Ayinde
- Aziz
- Azzopardi
- Badics
- Bailey
- Baines
- Baird
- Bairu
- Baker
- Bakyou
- Baldo
- Baldwin
- Ball
- Balnus
- Balogun
- Banjoko
- Bankole
- Banks
- Banton
- Barclay
- Barkaway
- Barnes
- Baronovska
- Barrett
- Barry
- Bass
- Bata
- Battersby
- Baumgarten
- Bautista
- Baxter
- Bayliss
- Beale
- Beall
- Beardow
- Beaton
- Beaumont
- Bech
- Becker
- Behre
- Belkowski
- Bell
- Bellamy
- Bello
- Benasayag
- Bender
- Benjamin
- Benjeddi Driouch
- Bennett
- Benson
- Bentil
- Bentley
- Berchi
- Beresford
- Bernard
- Berry
- Berte
- Best
- Best
- Bewell
- Bexley
- Bhan
- Bharadwaj
- Bhatt
- Biernert
- Billington
- Binns
- Birch
- Birchell
- Bird
- Biscombe
- Bishop
- Black
- Blackmore
- Blackwood
- Blair
- Blake
- Blaney
- Bloch
- Block
- Blumenshon
- Bobb
- Boldnariuc
- Bolger
- Bond
- Bonfield
- Boni
- Bonner
- Booth
- Borek
- Borg
- Borthwick
- Bosch
- Boswell
- Botka
- Boughey
- Bovey
- Boyd
- Boyle
- Brachet
- Bradbury
- Bradford
- Brady
- Braisher
- Bravi
- Braybrook
- Brazier
- Brazil
- Breze
- Broadbelt
- Brogan
- Brooks
- Broomfield
- Brown
- Browne
- Brun
- Brunton-Phillips
- Bryan
- Buckley
- Bucknor
- Buddo
- Bulwer
- Buntoonchinda
- Burden
- Burgess
- Burke
- Burkhalter
- Burlton
- Burns
- Burrows
- Burton
- Bush
- Butcher
- Butler
- Buxton
- Buyers
- Byerley
- Byfield
- Byrne
- Cage
- Callaghan
- Callang
- Cambata
- Campbell
- Cannell
- Cantillo
- Carby
- Carey
- Caro
- Carr
- Carrel
- Carrigan
- Carrington
- Carroll
- Carter
- Cartwright
- Carty
- Casanova
- Cassidy
- Caster
- Cepuritis
- Chamley
- Chan
- Chapman
- Charles
- Chatterjee
- Checchi
- Cheetham
- Chen
- Chentouf
- Chernikeeff
- Cheung
- Chevalier
- Chowdury
- Christian
- Christodoulou
- Christopher
- Christou
- Chroscicki
- Chung Sui Fong
- Church
- Claite
- Clamp
- Clancy
- Clark
- Clarke
- Clarkson
- Clayton
- Cleary
- Cleland
- Clems
- Clifford
- Cloney
- Cloran
- Coates
- Cohen
- Cole
- Coleman
- Coll
- Collier
- Collins
- Colonia
- Combe
- Comfort
- Compton
- Conlon
- Connatty
- Conneely
- Connelly
- Connington
- Connon
- Connor
- Conroy
- Conteh
- Conway
- Cook
- Cooke
- Coombes
- Cooney
- Cooper
- Coowar
- Copeland
- Coram
- Corbett
- Corke
- Costa
- Cotter
- Coucouvini
- Couvarakis
- Coward
- Cox
- Coyle
- Craggs
- Cresswell
- Cronin
- Cross
- Crowley
- Crumpton
- Cruz
- Cullen
- Cunningham
- Curran
- Czagany
- Da Costa Almeida
- Da Cruz
- Da Silva
- Dabanli
- Dadam
- Dale
- Daley
- Dalton
- Daly
- Daly
- Damparrpe
- Danger
- Darabsett
- Daramy
- Daruvala
- Darvas
- Dashwood
- Daublain
- Daveluy
- Davey
- Davidson
- Davies
- Davis
- Davis-Jenkins
- Dawson
- Day
- De Jesus
- De Saint-Ours
- De Souza
- Deans
- Dechirante
- Dee
- Dees
- Dellapina
- Demelo
- Demetriou
- Denis
- Dennehy
- Desmond
- De-Vere
- Devereaux
- Devin
- Devoy
- Dewey
- Dey
- Dhimar
- Dhinoja
- D’Hondt
- Di Medico
- Dill
- Din
- Dipple
- Dixon
- Dobronyi
- Doherty
- Dolan
- Donnelly
- Donoghue
- Donohoe
- Donovan
- Doolan
- Dooley
- Doran
- Dottin
- Douglas
- Dove
- Dowell
- Downing
- Doyle
- Drabczyk
- Dreano
- Druce
- Drummond
- Drury
- Dudhaiya
- Dudley
- Duggan
- Duncan
- Dunford
- Dunlop
- Dunn
- Dunne
- Dunster
- Dura
- Durand
- Durham
- Durrant
- Dyke
- Dziekanski
- Dzus
- Eady
- Eames
- Echevarria
- Edde
- Edem
- Edwards
- Egan
- Eglevskaia
- Eisler
- El-Bay
- Elcock
- Eley
- Elias
- Elley
- Elliot
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Elstein
- Endall
- England
- Ergus
- Esmail
- Etheridge
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Eyers
- Faberge
- Fahy
- Farley
- Farmer
- Farrell
- Farrugia
- Faulkner
- Faux
- Fawcett
- Fedden
- Feichter
- Feldman
- Fenton
- Ferguson
- Fern
- Fernandez
- Ferreira De Souza
- Fese
- Ficzet
- Field
- Fieldman
- Fifield
- Fige
- Finch
- Finlay
- Finn
- Finnerty
- Fish
- Fisher
- Fitzgerald
- Fitzharris
- Fitzpatrick
- Flanagan
- Flannery
- Fleming
- Florian
- Flynn
- Fontaine
- Foon
- Ford
- Forde
- Foreshaw
- Forrest
- Forsyth
- Foss
- Foster
- Fotheringham
- Fox
- Frances-Chi
- Francis
- Fraser
- French
- Fretter
- Fuller
- Furnell
- Gabriel
- Gaffney
- Gage
- Gallagher
- Galliford
- Galloway
- Galvez
- Galvin
- Gannon
- Garcia
- Gardner
- Garrett
- Garwood
- Gattoni
- Gaudyn
- Gayler
- Geiringer
- Gelbfisz
- Geller
- Gelmann
- George
- Ghulam
- Gibbs
- Giddens
- Gilbert
- Giles
- Gill
- Gillard
- Gilmore
- Gilmour
- Gipps
- Glen
- Glenn
- Glossan
- Glover
- Goddard
- Godden
- Godfrey
- Godfrey
- Godwin
- Gogan
- Gokar
- Gola
- Gold
- Goldberg
- Golding
- Goldmann
- Goldsmith
- Gomes
- Gomez-Montero
- Gonzalez-Lopez
- Good
- Goodall
- Goode
- Goody
- Goorvitch
- Gordeni
- Gordon
- Gorman
- Gorman
- Gowers
- Gradwell
- Graham
- Graham-Smith
- Grant
- Graves
- Gray
- Grealish
- Greaves
- Green
- Greenaway
- Greenham
- Greenway
- Greenwood
- Greer
- Greig
- Grey
- Gribbin-Walsh
- Griffin
- Griffiths
- Grimaldi
- Grimes
- Grimmer
- Grossman
- Grotzner
- Grunberg
- Grunfield
- Grzys
- Gual
- Guest
- Guntrip
- Gurka
- Gwande
- Gyebi
- Hainey
- Hale
- Hales
- Hall
- Hallisey
- Hamilton
- Hammerschmidt
- Hammill
- Hamuza
- Hanciles
- Hanif
- Hankin
- Hannam
- Hanratty
- Happe
- Haque
- Hardie
- Hardinge
- Hardy
- Harford
- Harlow
- Harman
- Harper
- Harris
- Harrison
- Hart
- Hartog
- Harvey
- Hassan
- Hassib
- Hatapoglu
- Hatooka
- Hatton
- Hawkins
- Hayes
- Headley
- Healy
- Heard
- Heera
- Heffernan
- Helly
- Hemachal-Singh
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Hendrick
- Hendricks
- Henfield
- Hennessey
- Henniker
- Henry
- Henson
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hernandez
- Heron
- Herring
- Hetey
- Hetherington
- Hewa Dewage
- Hewes
- Hicks
- Higgins
- Hiheglo
- Hilal
- Hill
- Hinds
- Hinman
- Hinton
- Hirschberg
- Hoang
- Hodge
- Hodges
- Hoff
- Hoffman
- Hoidis
- Hold
- Holder
- Holland
- Holohan
- Holowko
- Holt
- Holzel
- Hope
- Hopkins
- Horam
- Horvat
- Horvath
- Hoseason
- Hotchkiss
- Howard
- Howard
- Howe
- Howes
- Hrom
- Hsu
- Huggins
- Hughes
- Humble
- Humphreys
- Hunt
- Hunter
- Hurst
- Huseyin
- Hussain
- Hutchins
- Hyne
- Hynes
- Iftakhar
- Igoe
- Ijewlew
- Ilczyszyn
- Innis
- Ireland
- Isaac
- Isaacs
- Ismaili
- Isodiki
- Ivanov
- Jackson
- Jackunaite
- Jaggernauth
- Jakubi
- James
- Jameson
- Jamison
- Janovtechnik
- Jasim
- Javeri
- Jay
- Jayachaundran
- Jeffrey
- Jeffrey
- Jeffreys
- Jeffries
- Jenkinson
- Jenner
- Jennings
- Jeremiah
- Jesugoodness
- Jobateh
- Johns
- Johnson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Joseph
- Josephs
- Joshi
- Joyce
- Judaham
- Jussab
- Kachnimanis
- Kaczmarek
- Kadry
- Kahwajin
- Kaminski
- Kampourakis
- Kane
- Kaniewski
- Kannaphsamy
- Kapur
- Karabaniuk
- Karn
- Kartellis
- Karuppiah
- Kaur
- Kavanagh
- Kay
- Kearney
- Keating
- Kebbell
- Keck
- Keevil
- Keller
- Kelly
- Kennedy
- Kennedy-Barrow
- Kenny
- Kent
- Keogh
- Keogh
- Keohane
- Kerr
- Kerrigan
- Key
- Khan
- Kiedorowicz
- Kiely
- Kijanowski
- Kilani
- Kilpatrick
- King
- Kingsley
- Kinsey
- Kintzi
- Kirby
- Kirton
- Kirylow
- Klar
- Klingbell
- Klovacs
- Knight
- Knightsfield
- Koivunen
- Kolacz
- Koneh
- Kortright
- Kosakowska
- Kosciesza
- Kosmidek
- Kowalczyk
- Kowalski
- Kozen
- Krall
- Krievins
- Krzeminska
- Kubbeler
- Kulla
- Kumari
- Kuntze
- Kuonath
- Kwai-Tang
- Lafias
- Lai
- Laidley
- Laine
- Lally
- Lamin
- Lang
- Langer
- Lapotres
- Lark
- Larkin
- Larkin
- Latif
- Lavin
- Lavin
- Lawlor
- Lawrence
- Lazarus
- Lazitch
- Leahy
- Leahy
- Lee
- Lee Lau Chin Chai
- Leech
- Leen
- Lees
- Leidenfrost
- Leilais
- Leipman
- Lek
- Lenehan
- Lenox-Jeltes
- Leonard
- Lewis
- Liew
- Lifford
- Lillis
- Lim
- Lineham
- Lisney
- Liverpool
- Llewellyn
- Lloyd
- Lloyd-Williams
- Locke
- Loeffel
- Long
- Longman
- Lopez
- Lopez Brandariz
- Lord
- Lorielhe
- Louca
- Louis
- Love
- Lovekin
- Lovett
- Lowe
- Lowndes
- Lucas
- Luckman
- Ludicke
- Luengo
- Lumley
- Lurie
- Lyall
- Lycett
- Lynch
- Lynziak
- Lyons
- Lyzniak
- MacDonald
- Macdonald-Buchanan
- Macfarlane
- Maclean
- MacMillan
- Macura
- Madge
- Madronero
- Magotra
- Maguire
- Maher
- Mahmoud
- Mahon
- Maibu
- Maidment
- Maitra
- Majid
- Makhondo
- Malawski
- Malina
- Maliszewski
- Mallory
- Mallory
- Malone
- Maloney
- Malynowskyj
- Mandelstam
- Manipon
- Mann
- Manning
- Mansfield
- Mantourides
- Manuel
- Marius
- Marks
- Marren
- Marriott
- Marshall
- Martin
- Martinez
- Martinez Carro
- Martins
- Mascoll
- Mason
- Massey
- Matcham
- Maten
- Matyja
- Maxwell
- May
- Mayeda
- Mayo
- Mazur
- McAllister
- Mcauliffe
- McAvoy
- McBean
- McBoge
- McBride
- McBrinn
- McCarthy
- McClean
- McComb
- McConville
- McCormack
- McCreath
- McCrimmon
- McCullagh
- McDaid
- McDonald
- McDonnell
- McDougall
- McElhanney
- McEnttagart
- McEvoy
- McGee
- McGhee
- McGhie
- McGinn
- McGowan
- McGregor
- McGuinness
- McHugh
- McInerney
- McIntosh
- Mckay
- McKecknie
- McKenna
- McKilop
- Mclean
- McLiesh
- Mcloughlin
- McManus
- McManus
- McNamara
- McNee
- McNeillie
- McPherson
- McTaggart
- McWeeney
- Meade
- Meeghan
- Meehan
- Meggs
- Mehta
- Meister
- Melder
- Melendez Dieste
- Melidis
- Mendes
- Mendes Soares
- Mendonca
- Menzies
- Mepstead
- Mertins
- Meyer
- Michaelson
- Michalowski
- Middleton
- Miller
- Millett
- Milligan
- Mills
- Millward
- Minahan
- Minn
- Mirza
- Mitchell
- Mitchell
- Mo
- Mohan
- Mokrane
- Monaghan
- Monk
- Montague
- Monte
- Monthong
- Montilla
- Moon
- Moore
- Moran
- Moreton
- Morgan
- Morisco
- Morris
- Morrison
- Morrissey
- Mortimer
- Mos
- Moulds
- Muhabo
- Mukerjee
- Muller
- Mulligan
- Mundell
- Munim
- Munk
- Munro
- Murphy
- Murray
- Murton
- Myers
- Nadar
- Naik
- Naish
- Nalbandian
- Nantale
- Nanthan
- Naskova
- Navarrete
- Negatu
- Neish
- Neita
- Nelson
- Nemo
- Neumann
- Newbold
- Newlands
- Newton
- Neylan
- Ng
- N’Garmadji
- Nichele
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Nicholson
- Nickel
- Nightingale
- Nii Attoh
- Nijenhius
- Nitelet
- Nixon
- Noble
- Nogaga
- Nolan
- Noonan
- Norman
- Northcroft
- Nuako
- Nzolameso
- Oakey
- Oatt
- Obamwonyi
- Oblatt
- O’Brien
- O’Callaghan
- Ochocki
- O’Connell
- O’Connor
- O’Donnell
- O’Donoghue
- O’Donovan
- O’Dowd
- O’Gorman
- O’Grady
- O’Gunmuuia
- Ogunsanya
- Ogunyemi
- O’Hanrahan
- O’Hehir
- O’Keefe
- Okoli
- Okpattah
- Olah
- Oldag
- Olechowski
- Oliver
- Oliyide
- O’Loughlin
- Olympio
- O’Meara
- O’Mere
- Omoni
- Onanuga
- O’Neil
- Ong
- Orchard
- O’Reilly
- Orhan
- O’Riordan
- Orlando
- O’Rourke
- Orrico
- Osborne
- O’Shaughnessy
- O’Shea
- Osikpa
- Ossai
- Ossedumme
- Osten-Sacken
- O’Sullivan
- Oswald
- Owolabi
- Ozokoli
- Padaruth
- Page
- Paget-Wyndham
- Pahis
- Painem
- Palmer
- Palmieri
- Panayiotis
- Paolantonacci
- Papadoulous
- Pappilon
- Parent
- Parfitt
- Park
- Parker
- Parrott
- Paschalis
- Patel
- Paterson
- Pathare
- Paton
- Patrick
- Paul
- Pawlowski
- Payne
- Pejcihovich
- Penn
- Penny
- Pentek
- Perez
- Perovoenik
- Persad
- Peters
- Petersen
- Petrovic
- Phare
- Phelan
- Philips
- Phillis
- Pickles
- Picton
- Picton
- Piekutowska
- Pierre-Louis
- Pietersz
- Pilbro
- Pillay
- Pinto
- Pisani
- Plant
- Pleass
- Plumb
- Pollock
- Pommerol
- Poniecki
- Ponsford
- Pont
- Ponti
- Poole
- Porebski
- Porter
- Potts
- Pounal
- Powell
- Power
- Powers
- Poyton
- Pramanick
- Pratt
- Premadasa
- Prentiss
- Prestage
- Primrose
- Pringle-Hume
- Prospere
- Prottel
- Pryke
- Pudlo
- Pyne
- Quasem
- Quinn
- Quirk
- Raasch
- Rabelli
- Rabinowicz
- Rac
- Radcliffe
- Radomski
- Rafferty
- Ragbir
- Ragunandan
- Rahman
- Rait
- Ralph
- Raman
- Rankin
- Rashid
- Rauchle
- Raymond
- Razaullah
- Reck
- Recordon
- Reece
- Rees
- Reeves
- Regan
- Reid
- Reilly
- Renaut
- Restell
- Reynolds
- Reza
- Richards
- Richardson
- Ricketts
- Rigby
- Riley
- Riordan
- Rissone
- Rivetna
- Roach
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robinson
- Robson
- Rochester
- Rodrigues
- Rodriguez
- Rodulfo
- Rodziewicz
- Roman Rodriguez
- Romer
- Rose
- Rosen
- Rosenstroch
- Roshan
- Ross
- Rossim
- Rostron
- Roth
- Roth
- Rowan
- Rowland
- Rowland
- Royce
- Ruane
- Ruaux
- Rudd
- Ruiz
- Rumph
- Russell
- Ryan
- Rychna
- Ryder-Brittain
- Sacoularides
- Sadiq
- Saiyed
- Salama
- Saliva
- Salter
- Sambor
- Sampedro
- Samuda
- Samuels
- Sanchez
- Sanders
- Sanderson
- Sandrovitch
- Sanjuan
- Santana
- Saravanamuttu
- Sarder
- Sardi
- Sargent
- Saunders
- Saviano
- Saville
- Saxena
- Scahill
- Scanlon
- Schiavo
- Schmit
- Schneider
- Schofield
- Schopp
- Schwartz
- Scoates
- Scott
- Searle
- Segal
- Seho
- Sekulich
- Self
- Sengupta
- Senn
- Serena
- Serin
- Serratrice
- Sezenski
- Shama
- Shanan
- Shane
- Shapley
- Sharma
- Sharp
- Sharwell
- Shashou
- Shashova
- Shaw
- Shears
- Sheehan
- Sheldon
- Shellock
- Shendon
- Shepherd
- Sheridan
- Shields
- Shiong
- Shipton
- Shiret
- Shoesmith
- Shortell
- Shortt
- Sibley
- Sichell
- Siddique
- Siergun
- Silva
- Silverman
- Simons
- Simples
- Simpson
- Sinclair
- Singh
- Sinha
- Sirisena
- Sivanseyal
- Skerrett
- Skibinski
- Skinner
- Slawycz
- Slepikas
- Slipper
- Small
- Smith
- Smyth
- Snelling
- So
- Soares
- Sobelson
- Sokcic
- Solomon
- Somerville
- Sonno
- Soode
- Southey
- Sparrowhawk
- Spearing
- Spiller
- St James
- Staak
- Stafford-Butler
- Stankovic
- Stanley
- Starling
- Steedman
- Steinhublova
- Stent
- Stepanski
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Stern
- Stevens
- Stewart
- Stirling
- Stoddard
- Stokes
- Stone
- Storey
- Stratton
- Stretch
- Stuart
- Stutzen
- Styler
- Subhedar
- Subramaniam
- Suemangal
- Sullivan
- Sutherland
- Sutton
- Svaluck
- Swann
- Swanton
- Sweet
- Swift
- Swords
- Syme
- Szabadi
- Szabo
- Szeliga
- Szopa
- Szubert
- T aback
- Talbot
- Tandon
- Tate
- Tatum
- Taylor
- Teague
- Terander
- Theodorou
- Theori
- Thiruchelvam
- Tho
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thomson
- Thoroughgood
- Tinmay
- Todd
- Tolfree
- Torkildfen
- Tosheva
- Towers
- Townsend
- Tracey
- Trainor
- Tran
- Trieu
- Tsang
- Tucholska
- Tuitt
- Tunas-Fontan
- Tuohy
- Tupp
- Turfitt
- Turner
- Tweedle
- Tyler
- Tymoszcuk
- Tynan
- Tyrone
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