More than 15,000 families to get cost-of-living payments in Brentford and Isleworth

File photo dated 26/01/18 of UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as the proportion of children living in families which could not afford essentials fell by a quarter in the six years before the coronavirus pandemic, research suggests.File photo dated 26/01/18 of UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as the proportion of children living in families which could not afford essentials fell by a quarter in the six years before the coronavirus pandemic, research suggests.
File photo dated 26/01/18 of UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as the proportion of children living in families which could not afford essentials fell by a quarter in the six years before the coronavirus pandemic, research suggests.
More than 15,000 Brentford and Isleworth families are set to receive £650 to help with the cost-of-living crisis, new figures show.

More than 15,000 Brentford and Isleworth families are set to receive £650 to help with the cost-of-living crisis, new figures show.

Families receiving means-tested benefits – including universal credit, jobseeker's allowance, or child tax credits – are set to automatically receive £326 between July 14 and the end of the month, to help with the cost-of-living crisis.

Another payment of £324 will follow in the autumn.

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The Department of Work and Pensions estimate that around 17,500 families are set to receive the payment in Brentford and Isleworth.

This comes alongside a £150 payment for those who claim disability benefits, set to be paid in the autumn – with the same figures showing around 7,900 disabled individuals are set to benefit in the area.

The payments come amid criticism from charities that the Government is not doing enough to tackle the soaring cost of basic goods and fuel – and that the money might not have arrived in some people's bank accounts by the end of the month.

Peter Kelly, director of the Poverty Alliance charity, said: “We can’t allow any delays to cost of living support packages.

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“People want a society where we have compassion for each other, founded on a shared belief in justice.

"We need a government that’s committed to putting those ideals into urgent action to help the growing number of people facing hardship and struggling to get by.”

Households have been warned energy bills are likely to surge higher in the coming months.

Market researcher Cornwall Insight has said bills could rise from a current record of £1,971 a year, to £3,245 in October and then further to £3,364 at the start of next year.

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A recent survey by the Office for National Statistics found around nine in 10 British Adults said their living costs had increased over the previous month.

And just under half reported they were buying less food when food shopping, while 48% said they had to spend more than usual on what they normally buy.

The DWP estimate around 8.2 million families are set to receive a means-tested cost-of-living payment across the UK – including 1.2 million in London, or 35.7% of households in the region, according to the latest census data.

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, said on July 14: "Just as we looked after people during lockdown, we will help them get through these tough economic times.

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"Today’s payment is the signal to millions of families that we are on their side and we have already promised more cash in the autumn, alongside other measures to support the vulnerable and ease the burden."